
You have given us a calm and thoughtful exploration

of the question they posed:

"What to do in the face of intractable MAGA-ness?"

But I object to the question itself.

The question already set the terms of discussion:

it is the other, not me, who is intractable.

Unless I agree a priori

that the problem we face is "intractable MAGA-ness"

I am not even being addressed by their question.

And neither are the "deplorables" being so described.

What they are asking is:

What shall we the enlightened

do in the face of them the unenlightened?

I refuse to take that superior position

(yes, it is taken by both sides)

and therefore cannot respond to theirr question.

I do not fit within any us versus them

conceptualization of our country.

I am an American

who loves and respects my fellow Americans.


We are one nation, under God, indivisible.

By proceeding from that position

we can find common ground.

We can build up the center of our democracy.

This is how we will save ourselves from ourselves.


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You make some wonderful points there. I may have to make adjustments when I revisit this.

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thank you that we can share

and have dialogue on these questions

of such central importance

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